Saturday, October 6, 2012

Why do some people say " I don't see color?"

Some of my friends like to tell me I don't see color. They think it is a complement. Its their way of saying, "I accept you I'm not bias or prejudice." I read someones comment that, "love does not see color." I think I should inform my friends that they are wrong, if they are not seeing color. Unless they are color blind, they should see in color. E.g the colors of the rainbow,flowers, creation and people. When you Love you embrace all colors, in all of its glory and splendor. You look for its beauty, harmony and contribution to the array of other colors that the creator of variety, and color meant for us to enjoy. When you acknowledge its existence, you are being loving. God sees our color and our differences, therefore we need to see as God sees. When a colored person hears a person say," I don't see color!" its an insult to their uniqueness. If you wish to make someone feel accepted that they exist, then you need to see them for who they are, do not eliminate their variety, uniqueness or difference. "Variety is the spice of life" that is a saying that people sometimes acknowledge but don't really understand. Guys, I'm only referring to God's variety, which keeps our universe in harmony. I'm not referring to variety that sin, mankind and the devil has created and wants us to see as beautiful. After Noah's flood God sent the rainbow to remind mankind of His covenant. Today the rainbow has been stolen by the devil to represent something God says will not be allowed into heaven. Don't confuse God's purity of colors and variety with the Devils version. It is not the same. God's design of variety was originally pure, without spot or blemish, that variety is what we need to celebrate love and cherish. Let's celebrate each other's uniqueness and see all of God's creation as special in His eyes, and therefore special to His body.

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